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A win for DPS Guild

Dear DPS Guild family,

Our agreement with the company to help facilitate the transition to NewsCycle has been approved by our members. Thanks to all who participated.

This is a great illustration of why we have a union. The company didn't act unilaterally; instead, they came to us with a problem, and we worked together to reach a solution, which will help both parties.

Details on implementation will be forthcoming, but as a union member, you will be able to roll over up to one week of FTO into 2021. You can also earn overtime for extra shifts you work, even if you've taken a flex-time day or holiday during that pay period.

We believe this is a win, but our struggle to reach an agreement on a new contract continues. The company's current FTO policy is one of our points of contention. That's why this is a good time to sign our FTO pledge to use your earned FTO. There is still time to sign it and tell TribPub that you don't intend to let them keep that money in the future. Let's change the culture together!

In solidarity,

Sara Harvey, co-chair
Dave Roknic, co-chair
Nate Bloomquist, co-vice chair
Travis Marmon, co-vice chair
Sandra Rodriguez, secretary